Discharge information
Discharge time is 11 a.m. although the actual time you will be able to leave depends upon when the physician writes your discharge orders.
You or a family member will visit the Business Office, located on the first floor of Building A, to facilitate the discharge process. It is helpful to have a copy of your insurance card and other pertinent information available during discharge. This can be especially important if your admission was an emergency or if this information was not previously given during the admission process. Applicable insurance co-payments are due at the time of discharge. The account balance you are quoted at discharge will be an estimate based on the charges through the previous day. You will receive a final bill 10 to 14 days after discharge.
Before leaving your room, please check for any articles you may have missed in packing. While every effort will be made to locate misplaced articles, the hospital is not responsible for articles left in your room.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The business office staff will verify your benefits with your insurance carrier. Most insurance plans do not normally provide full coverage for hospital billings. Any deductible or co-payment portions are due at the time of discharge.
Medical City Dallas will file your insurance for you. Any disputes related to interpretation of the benefits provided in your policy should be resolved with the insurance carrier by the insured. After you leave the hospital, you will receive periodic statements that detail payment and adjustment activity on your account. We appreciate your prompt payment of any remaining balances shown on your statement after your carrier pays your claim. You are welcome to call (866) 656-8769 with any questions.
Cash Accounts
Charges incurred above the amount of your deposit are due and payable at discharge.
Methods of Payment
Medical City Dallas accepts cash, personal check, and major credit cards.
Home Health Care and Hospice Care
If you require home health or hospice care upon the time of discharge, we will be happy to assist you in making arrangements. Please contact the social services staff at (972) 566-7768.