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Kevin's weight loss story

Kevin is happy to be able to do the things he used to do once more, after losing 250 pounds following gastric bypass surgery at Medical City Plano.

March 19, 2019

I have a motivational picture in my office, it shows a snow skier going down a hill that is very bumpy, I mean seriously bumpy. The message on the picture says, "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your mind off your goals." For many years I chose to see only the frightful things associated with bariatric surgery. It most definitely took my mind off the goal of losing weight and becoming healthier. What motivated me to ignore the obstacles and keep me focused on the goal? For many years my doctor had been recommending that I seriously consider surgery. Obviously for many years I chose to focus on the obstacles and ignore his recommendation. However, one thing that he said was becoming truer every day. He told me that my life would come down to the things that I could do and the things that I couldn't. I found that the older and heavier I got, the longer the list of things I couldn't do became. He was dead-on right.

Dr. Patel performed gastric bypass surgery on me on September 21, 2011. One year later I have lost 250 lbs. While the journey has not been without its "bumps", I refused to take my mind off the goal of losing weight and becoming healthier. I have not once regretted or second-guessed my decision to have the surgery. Even while enduring the bumps!! The decision to have bariatric surgery is very personal. No one but you can make it. Personally, I'm elated that I decided to have surgery. I truly wish that I had been able to avoid the obstacles years ago, but I am more than thankful that I finally did.

March 19, 2019
Medical City Plano

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