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Medical City Healthcare

Patient resources

Medical City Healthcare is committed to providing resources to everyone. Our payment estimator, financial resources and nurse hotline are just a few examples of what we offer.

Information, guidance and resources for our patients

At Medical City Healthcare, above all else, we are committed to the care and improvement of human life. In recognition of this commitment, we will strive to deliver high quality, cost effective healthcare in the communities we serve.

Insurance and billing

At Medical City Healthcare, we are committed to providing you with the best available healthcare along with convenient and reliable billing services. In order to provide easy and reliable billing services, you may inquire about your bill and/or pay your bill online.

Patient Advocates

Medical City Healthcare is committed to providing you and your loved ones with a respectful and positive experience.

Our patient advocates are here to listen and help address any concerns that you may have. Our goal is to help ensure that you and your family are provided with safe, high quality and compassionate care.

Patient advocates have been designated by hospital leadership to manage a formal review and follow up on inpatient and outpatient concerns. Information shared is reported to hospital leadership. A patient advocate is available to answer questions related to hospital policies and procedures and can work to accommodate special needs or requests during a patient's stay.

If you have any concerns related to your hospital visit, the patient advocate will be happy to assist you. Contact numbers for all hospital locations are listed below.

SSN Disclosure

Disclosure of your social security number (SSN) is requested from you. No statute or other authority requires that you disclose your SSN for this purpose and we may not deny services if you choose not to disclosure it. Failure to provide your SSN, however, may result in the creation of a duplicate medical record. Further disclosure of your SSN is governed by the Texas Public Information Act and other applicable law.

Quality measures

Our mission at Medical City Healthcare is to provide a health care organization that consistently delivers high quality health services, information and education. In an effort to make our quality of care and satisfaction data available directly to you, this web site provides you with the most up to date information.

This information helps you, your healthcare provider, family and friends assess the quality of Medical City Healthcare. This quality information helps you make good decisions about your health care.

Quality of care measures show how well Medical City Healthcare treats heart attacks, heart failure, pneumonia and patients having surgery. Quality of care includes both process of care, including the core measures and outcome of care measures, including 30 day readmission and mortality rates.

Patient satisfaction includes the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System, known as HCAHPS (pronounced H-CAPS) and our own patient satisfaction survey.

This information helps you, your health care provider, family, and friends compare the quality of care provided in the hospitals that agree to submit data on the quality of certain services they provide for certain conditions. This quality information not only helps you make good decisions about your health care, but also encourages hospitals to improve the quality of health care they provide.

Patient satisfaction

At Medical City Healthcare the quality of your patient experience is important to us. We use Gallup, an independent company to administer the HCAHPS (pronounced H-CAPS) patient perception survey to our patients.

HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) is a national, standardized survey of hospital patients.

HCAHPS was created to publicly report the patient’s perspective of hospital care. The survey asks a random sample of recently discharged patients about important aspects of their hospital experience.

The HCAHPS results are posted on Hospital Compare by CMS (Center for Medicare Services), and they allow consumers to make fair and objective comparisons between hospitals, and of individual hospitals to state and national benchmarks on ten important measures of patient’s perspectives of care.

Patient feedback

At Medical City Healthcare, our goal is for you and your family to have the best possible experience while you are here. Your feedback, recommendations and concerns are critical to assuring that we achieve this goal. Thank you!

MyHealthONE is our secure patient portal that allows you to manage all parts of your healthcare easily and securely.

  • View health records — lab results, physician notes, imaging reports and more
  • View your post-visit summary
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment
  • Share your health records with a physician or caregiver
  • And more
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