Injury prevention
Medical City Healthcare injury prevention
According to the Centers for Disease Control, injuries sustained in a traumatic accident are the leading cause of death for ages 1 to 44 and the fourth overall leading cause of death in the United States. Studies and research have shown that almost 40 percent of those deaths are preventable.
Medical City Healthcare is dedicated to creating safer communities by providing awareness and advocacy through injury prevention programs, community education and outreach.
Our trauma centers, with the support of our state and community partners, are dedicated to preventing unintentional injuries. Our injury prevention specialists do this by identifying risks, implementing evidence-based prevention strategies, and serving as a resource to the communities we serve. For information on injury prevention programs in your area, please contact your local hospital.
Fall prevention
One in four Americans over the age of 65 will experience a fall each year. Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries. Medical City Healthcare’s fall prevention programs are designed to promote safety, increase physical mobility and strength, and encourage independence. Contrary to popular belief, falling is not a normal part of aging. If you or a loved one has been experiencing repeated falls, we encourage you to speak to your healthcare professional.
Am I a fall risk?
Stay Active and Independent for Life (S.A.I.L.)
S.A.I.L. is an evidence-based fitness class that improves strength, balance, and mobility for adults over the age of 65. With the goal of reducing falls and supporting independence, S.A.I.L. classes are one hour in length and meet 2 to 3 times per week. The class can be tailored to fit individual needs and is perfect for any fitness level. You can even participate sitting down.
A Matter of Balance
A Matter of Balance is a nationally recognized course that reduces the fear of falling and increases activity in adults over the age of 65. The program consists of two-hour classes that meet weekly for eight weeks. This structured group intervention program incorporates exercise and education to prevent falls. In a setting among peers, A Matter of Balance includes: group discussions, problem solving, assertiveness training, tips to reduce falls in the home and exercise to increase strength and balance.
Tai Chi for seniors
Tai Chi is a form of martial arts that has ancient Chinese roots dating back to the 12th century. Recommended for fall prevention by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tai Chi uses low impact, slow rhythmic gentle motions, meditation and controlled breathing to strengthen muscles. 45-minute weekly beginner, intermediate and advanced classes are held weekly at the Center for Living Well located on the Medical City Plano campus.
Additional fall prevention resources
Traffic safety
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for ages 1 to 44 in the United States, according to statistics from the CDC. Whether you drive, walk, or ride a motorcycle on your way to school, a job, or even a doctor’s appointment, traffic safety applies to anyone on our roadways. Traffic safety is also important when considering the safety of road construction workers and first responders. Medical City Healthcare participates in several different motor vehicle safety programs in conjunction with our community partners to reduce motor vehicle accidents related to distracted driving, teen driver safety and car safety. Listed below are proven safety tips that save lives:
- Don’t drive or walk distracted
- Never drive impaired
- Wear your seatbelt and make sure children ride in the appropriate size car seat
- Wear a helmet if operating a motorcycle or bicycle
Texas - Impact Teen Drivers
Texas – Impact Teen Drivers is a free safety education course that provides evidence-based materials to engage, educate, and empower teen drivers and their passengers to make responsible choices that will decrease reckless and distracted driving. Focusing on positive solutions and stories of teens that have lost their lives or caused the loss of life in preventable car crashes, Impact uses emotional connections to motivate behavior change. Graphic images and scare tactics are never used during this course. Impact is led by nurses, first responders, law enforcement and injury prevention specialists located in North Texas. Join us in being part of the solution to save lives.
CarFit is an educational program that provides a quick, yet comprehensive review of how well you and your vehicle work together. CarFit supports continued safe driving in the 65+ age population. During the approximate 20-minute assessment, a trained technician will assess how well your vehicle fits you and make suggestions to improve your safety; all from the comfort of your own vehicle. The program, which was developed by AAA, AARP, and the American Occupational Therapy Association, also provides information and materials on community-specific resources that could enhance your driving safety and increase mobility. Provided by the Brazos Valley Injury Prevention Coalition and TxDOT and supported by Medical City Healthcare trauma departments.
Teens in the Driver Seat
Developed by Texas A&M Transportation Institute in 2002, Teens in the Driver Seat has been recognized as a national best-practice model four times by the US Department of Transportation, Governors Highway Safety Association and the National Safety Council. Visit Teens in the Driver Seat to learn more.
The new You in the Driver Seat app rewards participants ages 16 to 25 for “Safe Trips” with gift cards to teens' favorite restaurants and shopping platforms.
Car seat safety
All children younger than 8 years old (unless taller than 4 ft 9 in) are required, by Texas law, to be in the appropriate car or booster seat. Selecting the appropriate car seat based on your child’s age and size is equally as important as making sure the car seat is properly installed. Car seats should always be registered with the manufacturer so the manufacturer can notify you of any recalls. Be sure to always check for the expiration date on the seat. We recommend to avoid using car seats that you are unable to confirm the history on.
Stop the Bleed
Bleeding is the most common cause of preventable death following an injury. Therefore, the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma led a collaborative effort to bring knowledge of bleeding control to the public in 2015. Stop the Bleed classes are approximately 90 minutes in length and are free to the public. In this class, you will learn how to: identify life threatening bleeding, alert and communicate key information to emergency services, apply pressure and pack wounds, and apply tourniquets. Join Medical City Healthcare’s trauma departments in our goal to teach as many people as possible how to Stop the Bleed.