Which maternity classes should all first-time moms attend?
First-time parents want to know, “What classes do I need so I’m ready to face childbirth and baby care?”
The short answer: All of them.
“We only offer the most important ones because we know (mom’s) time is limited,” said Wendy Whitford, a labor and delivery nurse and registered lactation consultant at Medical City Alliance. “We’re going to offer what she needs in the shortest amount of time.”
Medical City Healthcare delivers the most essential information for parents and families through a wide variety of classes delivered online or in person at hospitals across North Texas.
But first, where will I go when it’s time?
All of our labor and delivery hospitals offer tours, guided in person and/or online. You will learn about your hospital’s maternity services and amenities and visit the labor and delivery suites and postpartum rooms. You’ll get detailed information on where to go when it’s time for baby to arrive and what to expect during labor and delivery and your postpartum stay.
Some hospitals, such as Medical City Plano, offer a live virtual tour. You’ll see everything you would in person, and have the opportunity to ask questions of our instructors and staff throughout the experience.
What happens when I get there?
To learn that, you’ll need our comprehensive childbirth class. We will take you through the signs and symptoms of labor and its phases and stages. You’ll learn about comfort measures and pain management. We’ll also talk about why inductions are sometimes necessary, how you can avoid unnecessary interventions and what happens when a cesarean section and anesthesia are needed. You’ll also fully understand about life postpartum and what to expect after you are home. By the end, you’ll feel empowered with information and better prepared for your labor and delivery experience.
Sometimes, pregnancies come with hiccups.
We’ve got you covered. For parents-to-be facing challenges such as gestational diabetes or a planned C section, we offer specialized classes tailored to your condition. We even offer a supplemental class for our moms expecting twins and multiples.
But I don’t know anything about babies.
Medical City Healthcare offers classes online and in person covering the basics of baby care. These interactive classes are packed with information on feeding, diapering, swaddling and bathing, as well as helping you understand your new baby’s traits and characteristics.
In addition, you can take classes on specific topics such as:
- Breastfeeding. You’ll learn what to know, where to go for help and the booby traps to avoid. You’ll find out how to identify infant feeding cues, proper latch and positioning, frequency and duration of feedings. You’ll get a crash course in the law of supply and demand, as well as “input and output.”
- Infant safety and CPR. In this essential class for all caregivers, we teach you how to create a safe environment. Topics include shaken baby syndrome; lowering your baby’s risk for SIDS; choking prevention; babyproofing your home; poisoning; car seat safety; and infant CPR.
- Car seat class. You’ll have precious cargo onboard; it’s critical to carry it safely. Bring your car seat to learn how to install it, how to harness your baby and how to adjust the seat as baby grows.
But, wait, there’s more!
Pregnancies and new babies are a family affair. That’s why we also offer classes for your partner or new dad. We help prepare siblings. Even grandparents get their own class. It takes a village.
- Dads and partners. In this class strictly for dads and domestic partners, staff share their knowledge and expertise to illustrate the magic and challenges of parenthood. Topics include: caring for your new baby and mom; returning to intimacy; forming a family; and the role of parents as protectors.
- Grandparents, as well as aunts and uncles, can tap into their own experiences and wisdom, while catching up on the changes in baby care and safety. This virtual class helps grandparents learn to be a source of support and strength for the new parents in their lives.
- We’ve put together a fun, hands-on class for big sisters and brothers. We teach your child about understanding their feelings, what to expect with the new baby and how they can help their parents.
Man, I’m stressed out!
To relieve your mind of the ordinary worries about pregnancy and your new baby, Medical City Healthcare offers well-being tips in the form prenatal yoga classes, breastfeeding support groups and postpartum support groups. These classes allow you share experiences and build lasting friendships.
Medical City Healthcare has got you covered, said Whitford, “for all the little things you don’t know that you don’t know.”
Medical City Healthcare delivers healthier tomorrows for moms, babies and families.
Find the perfect doctor for you or your baby with our Find a Doctor search. You can also visit our Ask a Nurse Hotline page or call our free, 24/7 hotline at (833) 612-1999.