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Medical City Healthcare

For physicians

Physicians at Medical City Healthcare facilities can access an array of helpful resources and tools.

ESRA alternate links

In the event that the main link on the previous page does not work you can try one of these other alternate connection points. Please try North Florida and then Tristar first. These connections attach at different data centers.

Please click the link(s) below and try to log in normally:

Apple iOS 8 - hCare Access (VDI)

iOS is now supported with hCare Access after updating to the new version of Citrix Receiver in the App Store.

hCare Access (VDI) 2.0 Coming Soon

hCare Access (VDI), Medical City Healthcare's best remote access tool to date, is being upgraded over the next two weeks for all current and new users. The system brings the much requested speed and performance enhancements to our medical community. With the improvements hCare Access (VDI) 2.0 brings, we expect you to be able to login and have a fully functioning desktop in under 45 seconds.

During the migration period we will be moving all users to the new image. This could happen at any time over the next two weeks.

For more information:

Contact the Physician Support Hotline for additional details.