For nurses
Nursing at Medical City Healthcare
Medical City Healthcare is dedicated to helping our nurses be the best, which in turn enables them to provide unsurpassed care to our patients.
If you’re thinking about joining us, you’ll be interested to know that Medical City Healthcare has 6 prestigious Magnet Recognized® designations on 10 campuses, as recognized by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) for excellence in nursing care.
Additionally, Medical City Healthcare boasts two Pathway to Excellence® designated hospitals. This designation recognizes health care organization’s commitment to creating a positive practice environment that empowers and engages employees.
Whether you’re driven to research, expanding your education, working toward process improvement or serving on leadership committees, Medical City’s nurses are challenged with opportunities and respected for what they bring to their jobs.
Medical City Healthcare takes great pride in its commitment to nursing quality, professionalism, teamwork and compassionate patient care. That is reflected in the designations and accreditations our hospitals have received from the American Nurses Credentialing Center.
Magnet® Recognized- Medical City Dallas
- Medical City Children’s Hospital*
- Medical City Heart Hospital*
- Medical City Spine Hospital*
- Medical City Plano
- Medical City Frisco#
- Medical City Fort Worth
- Medical City Denton
- Medical City Lewisville
- Medical City McKinney
Locations with an asterisk* are campuses of Medical City Dallas.
#Medical City Frisco is a campus of Medical City Plano.
- Medical City Alliance
- Medical City North Hills
- Medical City Healthcare
Medical City Healthcare nurses are empowered
- Each member of nursing services has an individual responsibility to pursue professional growth and development in order to maintain and advance knowledge, skills and competency for exemplary professional practice.
- Performance improvement activities provide necessary feedback and evaluation of services to promote improvement and innovation in patient care delivery. The actions of this process ensure the same level of care is provided to all patients with the same needs. Empirical outcomes are monitored for front line clinical decision making.
- The facility has an obligation to provide clinical educational experiences for nursing and allied health students and to collaborate with instructors to impact curriculum development and graduate quality.
- Each member of nursing services has an individual responsibility to promote service excellence with respect to our customers. Service excellence is integrated into and between all services, departments and staff in their interactions with all stakeholders.
- Nursing leaders round on patients daily.
- Nursing care is based on research (evidence) and literature.
- Nursing will take the leadership role in responding to global issues in nursing and the changing healthcare marketplace in meeting the needs of our customers.
- We have the responsibility to conserve resources and deliver care in a cost-effective manner.
- We have the responsibility to share clinical expertise, provide consultation and to mentor so we may enhance patient care.
- We have the responsibility to maintain high ethical standards and to promote the image of the professional nurse.
Lectures, links and continuing education courses are just a few of the resources available to help our nurses stay well ahead of the curve.
Nursing annual report
Medical City Healthcare releases an annual report that highlights the excellent care and compassion that our teams provide. With this annual report, we celebrate nursing at Medical City by reflecting on our accomplishments this past year and by continuing on our Magnet® journey. Additionally, we have the opportunity to rejoice in our commitment to making a difference in the lives of those we serve.
- 2023 Medical City Healthcare Nursing Annual Report
- 2022 Medical City Healthcare Nursing Annual Report
- 2021 Medical City Healthcare Nursing Annual Report
- 2020 Medical City Healthcare Nursing Annual Report
- 2019 Medical City Healthcare Nursing Annual Report
- 2018 Medical City Healthcare Nursing Annual Report
- 2017 Medical City Healthcare Nursing Annual Report
Nursing professional practice model
A Professional Practice Model (PPM) for nursing can be defined as a framework that symbolizes the driving force for nursing care. According to ANCC, the schematic or picture that represents an organization’s PPM should depict how nurses collaborate, communicate, practice and develop professionally to provide the highest standard of care for our patients. Typically, Professional Practice Models center around a theoretic framework that is evidence based.
Our nursing theoretical framework is the Caring Theory by Jean Watson. Watson’s theory emphasizes that nurses provide caring to patients through intentionality and authentic presence, optimizing the patient’s ability to heal from within. Caring attitudes regenerate life energies and potentiates capabilities. Caring effects not only the patient, but also the nurse and other members of the healthcare team. Ms. Watson theorizes that we must care for ourselves before we are able to care for others, making caring a mutually beneficial relationship.
A schematic is a simplified version, usually in a diagram or picture form, of a complex concept. A PPM schematic is a pictorial representation of an organization’s values, beliefs, theories and process for nursing practice.