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Medical City Healthcare

Las Colinas Colleagues surprise mom-to-be with heartwarming baby shower

A first-time mother hospitalized with a high-risk pregnancy was surprised with a baby shower hosted by Medical City Las Colinas nurses and staff.

February 26, 2025
Image Shows: Man, woman, couple, wheel chair, room, curtains, baby clothes, various gifts for a baby, baby shower setting, party decorations, chair, rug

When expectant mother Sneha Neelakantan was offered a VIP tour of the labor and delivery unit at Medical City Las Colinas, she had no idea she’d step into a surprise baby shower! What she thought would be an empty room was filled with balloons, gifts and the smiling staff she’d come to know so well.

Neelakantan came to Medical City Las Colinas in January with a high-risk pregnancy and was admitted to the hospital for 24/7 monitoring and care. Only 28 weeks pregnant, she and her husband Shravan relied heavily on the compassionate care of the nurses, doctors and staff. She never expected those caregivers to go as above and beyond as they did to make her pregnancy as joyful as possible.

Through their regular interaction with the soon-to-be, first-time parents, nurses realized that preparation plans for their new baby had been put on hold while Neelakantan was hospitalized. So, nurses organized a surprise baby shower. The couple was overcome with emotion when they stepped into the room, filled with sweet treats, gifts and love.

On February 20, six weeks short of her due date, mom delivered a healthy baby boy who received special care in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for one week before being released to go home.

Learn more about the women’s services and the Level II NICU at Medical City Las Colinas.

February 26, 2025
Medical City Las Colinas