Breast care in McKinney, Texas
At Medical City McKinney, we are committed to the highest level of accuracy and excellence in patient care.
To that end, we’ve partnered with Solis Mammography to serve as our onsite provider of comprehensive breast imaging services.
Related specialties
Learn more about our related specialties.
Solis Mammography has resumed diagnostic services, bone density procedures and walk-in screening mammograms at most North Texas locations.
Breast imaging and diagnostic procedures
We provide comprehensive breast imaging services in McKinney, including:
- 3D mammogram
- 2D screening mammogram
- Diagnostic mammogram
- Breast ultrasound
- Ultrasound-guided biopsy
- Stereotactic biopsy
- Bone densitometry (Research indicates breast cancer and bone density may be related.)
Videos about our Breast health services
2 Videos
McKinney man fights breast cancer
McKinney man fights breast cancer
Looking for a location?
We also offer quality care at these other locations in our extended network.