What to bring to the hospital
Here is a list of items you will need at registration:
- Social Security Number
- All active insurance cards
- Picture ID
- Any paperwork given to you by your physician
- Living Will, if applicable
- Advance Directives, if applicable
- Powers of Attorney, if applicable
All information obtained during your hospitalization will be held in strict confidence. For added personal comfort, you may also bring your own pajamas or nightgown, bathrobe, slippers, toothbrush, non-electrical shaving equipment and other personal effects you use every day. We request that you leave your valuables at home.
Treatment permits
We will ask you to sign appropriate consent and release forms that authorize hospital personnel to provide the services your physician has ordered for you.
Identification bands
You will be required to wear an identification band during your stay. This helps ensure that you will receive the proper treatments and medications. Please do not remove the band for any reason.
Medication list
Please bring a complete list of all currents medications you are taking.