Day of surgery
Welcome to your day of surgery guide
Today marks an important step in your healthcare journey as you undergo surgery. We understand that this may be a moment of anticipation and perhaps some nervousness, but rest assured, our team is fully dedicated to your comfort, safety, and successful outcome. This guide is designed to provide you with essential information and address common questions you may have as you navigate the day of your procedure.
What will happen when I first arrive at the facility?
What should I wear?
What happens after I reach the Day Surgery area?
What can I do to help prevent a surgical site infection?
Will I see my physician prior to surgery?
How long can my family stay with me prior to my procedure?
What if I think I might be pregnant?
Can I smoke?
Are there different kinds of sedation or anesthesia?
Will I receive any sedatives before surgery?
What are the risks of anesthesia?
Will I be billed separately by the anesthesiologist, radiologist and pathologist?
Why must I refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to surgery?