Advisory boards
Employee advisory board
The Employee Advisory Board's purpose is to provide a forum for employees to have an additional voice regarding concerns or issues that affect them in their workplace and to present ideas and suggestions for improvements to Administration and Management. Membership consists of full and part-time employees who work at least 24 hours per week. Members are comprised of three job classifications: 50% Nursing / Clinical, 25% Professional / Ancillary, and 25% Support Staff. Day shift, night shift, and weekend staff are represented within the Board and members serve a two-year term. The Board meets monthly to discuss issues related to quality, productivity, job enrichment, employee recognition, education, diversity and more. Employees interesting in being a part of this group should speak to their leader for more information.
Patient experience committee
The Patient Experience Committee was created in September 2006 and consists of patients, caregivers and hospital leadership who share a desire to improve the quality of service, enhance channels of communication and plan for the future development of our hospital facilities. The purpose of the Committee is to offer ideas and suggestions from the community's perspective that will help guide the implementation of evidenced based processes and education in order to provide our patients and community with the safest possible care and improve the overall beautification of our facility.
The Patient Experience Committee meets 12 times a year. The Committee is chaired by Medical City Lewisville's Chief Nursing Officer, and generally includes a brief update on the latest developments in and around the hospital. To be effective, the Committee needs input from families using the hospital's services, so please consider contacting us if you are interested in being a part of this group. Your concerns and experiences are valued. Potential members should contact the Executive Administrative Assistant by email or call (469) 370-2708 for more information.