Living donor
Living donors save lives!
The average wait time for a deceased donor transplant in the United States is five years. Approximately, 5,000 people die each year while waiting for a kidney transplant. By becoming a living donor, YOU can end the wait and save a life.
How to get started
We now provide a quick online health questionnaire that lets our team know more about you and your interest to become a living donor. Click the link(s) below to get started .
Become a living donor
Watch to learn more
Medical City Fort Worth visitors pass by a memorial in the hospital lobby dedicated to those individuals and families who elected to donate their organs. Their sacrifice has led to innumerable lives saved and for this, we thank them.
Living kidney donation: Video 1
Social media tips
Social media is a quick way to let friends and family know that someone needs a living donor. It also allows them to share that fact with people outside your social circle! Here is an example:
Hello friends & family! Many of you know that I have kidney disease and need a kidney transplant. The fastest way for me to get this is through a living donor. The national average wait time to receive a kidney from a deceased donor is 5 years or more, many candidates die while waiting! Without a transplant, I will be doing dialysis ; this will limit my ability to work and help care for my family. You might not know a lot about kidney donation, I know I didn’t before kidney disease started affecting me.
Please consider visiting to learn more about living donation and sharing my story!
If you are not a match for me, you may be a match for someone else in need!
More tips
Using hashtags on your post makes it memorable. Create a unique hashtag for yourself, but also use more commonly searched hashtags. This helps people searching those hashtags find your story. For example, someone interested in donating may search #DonateLife or #LivingDonor on Facebook and can find your post.
Some popular terms include:
- #DonateLife
- #LivingDonor
- #BeADonor
- #KidneyTransplant
- #ShareYourSpare
Personalized examples include:
- #Kidney4Kayla
- #FindJohnAKidney
- #BeMichaelsMatch
Include the link so potential donors will have easy access to more information about living donation and the application to be a donor.
Make it personal and relatable! If you are comfortable doing so, include pictures of yourself, your family and any information you want to share about your personal journey.
Encourage family and friends to share your post. The more often it is shared the better chances your future donor will see it!
Print these business cards to hand out to potential donors.
Kidney donation workshop
Medical City Fort Worth’s living donor coordinators host a monthly virtual workshop entitled “Living Kidney Donation Workshop: Helping Your Donor Find You.”
The workshop begins at 1 PM on the last Friday of each month. Click here to join the workshop.
Medical City Transplant Institute Fort Worth
909 9th Avenue, Suite 300
Fort Worth, TX 76104
(817) 834-8500