Local hotels
Overnight lodging near Medical City Dallas & Medical City Spine Hospital
Below is a list of conveniently located hotels you may contact for discounted accommodations. Rates and information may be subject to change. Please ask for the special "Medical City Dallas" rate. For additional information or assistance, please contact the Medical City Dallas Visitor Center at (972) 566-7066.
Sonesta Select - Dallas Central Expressway
10325 N. Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75231
Phone: (214) 739-2500
*Please be sure to ask for the special "Medical City Dallas" rate of $115.
The Westin - Dallas Park Central
12720 Merit Drive
Dallas, Texas 75251
Phone: (972) 385-3000
*Please be sure to ask for the special "Medical City Dallas" rate of $127.
Special Note
Special note for hospital patients and their families: Please ask for the special “Medical City Dallas rate” in order to receive discounted pricing for your reserved accommodations.