Living donor
Living donors save lives!
5,000 people die every year while waiting for a kidney transplant. What can YOU do to end the wait and save a life?
4 Videos
Living Kidney Donation: Video 1
Living Kidney Donation: Video 1
How to get started
We now provide a quick online health questionnaire that lets our team know more about you and your interest to become a living donor. Click the link(s) below to get started .
Become a living donor
Living Kidney Donor Application Solicitud de donante de riñón vivo
Living donor FAQs
Does a living kidney donor have to be related?
How long does the living donor evaluation take?
Will I be the only one contacted with my results?
Are there any health risks to donating one of my kidneys?
Can my donor live out-of-state?
Who pays for the living donor evaluations/surgery?
How long will it take for the transplant to be scheduled at Medical City Decatur?
How long will I be in the hospital after donation?
After the surgery, how long will it be until I can return to work?
Will young female donors be able to have children in the future?
How will kidney donation affect me? Will it increase my risk of future health problems?
What about follow-up after donation?