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For Patients

We offer a wide range of resources to ensure you get all the information you need to understand and be comfortable with your care.

Information, guidance and resources for our patients

Our multidisciplinary teams partner with you to create personalized care plans, so that you feel confident and comfortable with your treatment.

Participating insurance plans

We accept all forms of government insurance from the U.S., Canada and other countries. We also accept Medicare, Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), and workers compensation.

View our participating insurance plans

Advance care planning

Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to give directions for your future medical care. Advance directives help you protect your right to request or refuse care.

Learn more about advance care planning

Patient rights and responsibilities

We respect the dignity and pride of each individual we serve. We want our patients to be informed of their rights, responsibilities, and have access to contacts for complaints and grievances.

View your patient rights

Patient information

Concierge services

Our concierge team strives to enhance your stay with us. We offer an array of services to increase your and your visitors' comfort and satisfaction, including:

  • Fresh linens
  • General errands
  • Local shopping
  • Medical City Decatur Hospital event information
  • Mobile device charging
  • Notary services
  • Overnight toiletry bag for guests

For more information about our comprehensive concierge services, call and speak with a team member at (940) 393-0523.

Pharmacy services

Located near the hospital's emergency room entrance, our convenient pharmacy serves the needs of our patients, community members and employees. Also, we can fill your prescriptions upon discharge, even if you're a same-day surgery or emergency room patient.

We're open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00pm, Saturdays from 11:00am to 3:00pm and closed on Sundays. Our services include automated refills, curbside pickup, medication education, medication disposal and home delivery service.

For more information about our pharmacy services visit us online, call and speak with a team member at (940) 626-2555 or fax us at (940) 263-3150.

Social services

At our hospital, the social services team provides a wide array of services and amenities during your stay and as you transition to your life at home. This team may include specialists from across multiple disciplines - unique compared to most hospitals - that includes:

  • Nurses - Nurses monitor your stay and work with our social workers for discharge planning.
  • Pre-certification specialists - These specialists allow you to address any insurance issues before admission.
  • Social workers - Social workers coordinate any needs and concerns you may have upon discharge such as home health care, nursing home placement, home meal delivery services, housekeeping services, and durable medical equipment. Also, social services can provide information and referrals to community agencies for psychiatric treatment, financial assistance, rehabilitation care, home services, educational plans, or other special needs.

Our team can connect you with supportive care that helps you:

  • Cope with illness, treatment and recovery
  • Handle grief and bereavement
  • Manage relationships, parenting and family concerns
  • Get answers to questions and concerns about advance directives and learn how to communicate to loved ones what you want done if you're unable to voice your wishes

Spiritual support

We understand that spiritual well-being can be an important part of the healing process for some people. Our hospital partners with the Wise County Chaplains Corps, local ministers who volunteer their time, to offer spiritual support to you and your family.

  • How to contact a chaplain - You may request a visit from a chaplain through your nurse, doctor, social worker, or customer service representative. If you would like a visit from your church clergy or denomination, we can also assist you in making those arrangements.
  • Our chapel - The Ray Hawkins Memorial Chapel is an interfaith chapel for you, your families and visitors seeking spiritual shelter. Located on our hospital's third floor, the chapel is open 24 hours a day and offers a quiet place for prayer, reflection and meditation.

Ask a Nurse Hotline

Medical City Healthcare offers a free Ask a Nurse service that provides expert, timely health-related information and free physician referrals.

Healthy Living

Our Healthy Living blog offers a broad spectrum of information on a variety of health conditions as well as patients' stories about dealing with many health conditions. You can get a first-hand view of their experiences under our care.