For Visitors
Visiting our hospital
Medical City Alliance is taking proactive measures to help ensure the health and safety of patients, caregivers, colleagues and our communities.
Medical City Healthcare visitation guidelines
General visitation guidelines
Visitor information
Visiting Hours
Medical City Alliance believes visitation from family and friends can be good medicine for patients. Outside of times when visitation must be restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, family members and friends are welcome to visit. Please note, the patient (or patient’s representative) has the authority to choose who may or may not visit. This decision is made by the patient (or patient’s representative) and is strictly enforced by Medical City Alliance, typically through the nursing staff, Charge Nurse or House Supervisor as necessary.
Since patient recovery is the principle concern at Medical City Alliance, specific visiting hours have been established in order to enhance and accommodate the quality of care.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Medical / Surgical & PCU Units
Women's Services