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What to expect

When seeking mental health care at Medical City Mental Health and Wellness Center Frisco in Frisco, Texas, you can expect a comprehensive assessment, which informs your treatment plan.

Care practices at our hospital

We are with you every step of the way to ease your transition into treatment, while helping you navigate inpatient or outpatient care. Our goal is to reduce stress and allow you to focus on taking back control of your mental health.

Preparing for your stay

We understand the gravity of the decision to accept help for mental health or addictive behaviors, and don’t take your trust in us lightly. It is important you know that you are not your illness or addiction. Here, you’ll always be treated with respect, dignity, equality, and compassion for however long you are under our care.

Our trained intake specialists will make your admissions process as easy as possible, guiding you through your health assessment, billing and payment.

We provide toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, and soap, and ask you to wear clothing that encourages a respectful, safe and enjoyable environment for all. Laundry facilities are available for use, but smoking is not allowed anywhere in our facility.

What to bring

Items you need to have with you upon arrival at the hospital include:

  • Changes of clothing for both daytime and sleeping
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Current medications
  • Hairbrush or comb
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Sweater or jacket

What to leave at home

Because your safety is our top priority, certain items are not permitted during your stay. These include:

  • Arts and crafts supplies, such as scissors, pencils and hole punches
  • Belts and heavy jewelry
  • Clothing with inappropriate messages
  • Clothing with strings
  • Curling irons
  • Electronic devices, such as cameras or phones
  • Fingernail files
  • Framed photos
  • Glass containers
  • High-heeled shoes
  • Revealing, tight clothing
  • Valuables and cash

Your safety and comfort are extremely important to us. If you have any questions about items we we prohibit, call us at (469) 535-8000.

During your stay

While in our care, some of the major considerations we’ll assess include psychological conditions, behavioral problems, medical conditions, family dynamics and vocational or supportive needs. You’ll be involved in all decision-making, and we’ll also involve your family, whenever possible.

During treatment, you’ll be given a set of specific goals that come out of your assessment, and our team will offer the support you need to work towards achieving them. You’ll also be provided with a detailed schedule each day that includes therapy sessions, meals and other activities.

Food and amenities

We want you to feel at ease, so our facility was designed to be a warm and nurturing place to get back to yourself. In addition to welcoming accommodations and spacious common areas, patient rooms are semi-private and include private bathrooms and individual storage spaces.

In terms of food protocols, snacks and drinks are available throughout the unit, and we have a full-service cafeteria serving well-balanced meals every day. A registered dietitian can also provide meal planning and consultations for special diets, when necessary.

We encourage ongoing communication with family members and loved ones during your stay, including phone calls and visits. Visiting hours are concrete, but exceptions can be made for special requests. Incoming patient phone calls will be accepted unless there is a scheduled group or activity.

After your stay

Planning for the care you’ll need when you leave our facility begins the day you’re admitted. Your treatment team will work with you and your support system to establish a detailed plan for further therapy or other treatments after discharge. You may continue your treatment in one of our outpatient programs, or we may connect you with outside resources to support your ongoing recovery.

Your treatment team will determine your discharge date. A clinician liaison will then meet with you and your family to ensure that you have all the information you need once you leave the hospital.

Some of the information you might need includes:

  • Arrangements for outpatient care or follow-up treatment
  • Diet restrictions
  • Instructions from your psychiatrist or therapist
  • Prescriptions and medication information
  • Signs or symptoms to look out for

Aftercare is only as effective as the effort you put into it. It’s important that you understand your discharge plan and follow all the instruction provided. Make sure you ask lots of questions during the discharge process, and don’t hesitate to call us if more questions come up after you leave the hospital.

Family involvement

Mental illness and addiction affect the whole family. That’s why we encourage as much participation from your loved ones as possible.

In most cases, the more your family is involved, the better the outcome for you. We’ll provide family members with resources and education about your condition or addiction, and our trained team of therapists and counselors will help them learn their roles and responsibilities in your recovery process.