For Patients
Patient-centered care
Medical City Surgical Hospital - Alliance is a state-of-the-art surgical hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. We have a welcoming facility featuring 24 spacious and comfortable patient rooms with seven surgical suites equipped with the most advanced technologies, large operating rooms and 4K monitors.
Patient Resources
Patient Resources
Online registration
We know your time is valuable. That’s why we offer convenient online registration for services such as surgical procedures, mammograms, and diagnostic tests and treatments.
We know your time is valuable. That’s why we offer convenient online registration for services such as surgical procedures, mammograms, and diagnostic tests and treatments.
Participating insurance plans
We accept all forms of government insurance from the U.S., Canada and other countries. We also accept Medicare, Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), and workers compensation.
Advance care planning
Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to give directions for your future medical care. Advance directives help you protect your right to request or refuse care.
Patient rights and responsibilities
We respect the dignity and pride of each individual we serve. We want our patients to be informed of their rights, responsibilities, and have access to contacts for complaints and grievances.
Information and guidance for our patients
We want you to have as much information as possible about the care you'll receive in our hospital and what to expect before, during and after your time with us.
Benefits we offer
Our facility offers the following benefits:
- Flexible scheduling
- More one-on-one time with your surgeon
- A specialized nursing staff focused on personalized care
- A calm environment for your pre and post-operative care
Our concierge service is also available and provides you and your family members with personalized service, comparable to the service you might expect from a five-star resort.
Our patient dining services
For patients, a menu based upon your specific dietary restrictions is available to order. Your meals will be carefully prepared at meal times and delivered to your room.
What to expect if you need surgery
Our seven spacious OR suites have the most advanced technology including 4k video integration, navigation systems, top rated surgical tables, and knowledgeable staff to ensure our patients have access to the most innovated surgical treatments and procedures available today.
Once you and your surgeon determine surgery is needed, the surgeon’s office staff will fax orders to Medical City Surgical Hospital - Alliance and schedule a date and time for your procedure. The surgeon’s office will then call you to share the date and time, as well as anything you need to do to prepare for surgery. This may include medications that are needed prior to surgery, any dietary restrictions including fasting, medications following surgery and any additional details needed to ensure your procedure is a success.
On the day of your surgery, you will let your nurse know who might be waiting and how you plan to get home following the surgery. With your permission, your nurse will update your loved ones or friends during the procedure.