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For visitors

Stay informed through Medical City Green Oaks Hospital's visitor information page, which features guidelines and safety protocols for a seamless experience in Dallas, Texas.

Visiting our hospital

At Medical City Green Oaks, we encourage regular visits from family and friends. We have visitor protocols in place but want you to be part of the recovery process.

Medical City Green Oaks visitation guidelines

Accessibility services (ADA accommodations)

We strive to make our facility accessible to all visitors. If you need assistance, please speak with the house supervisor.

Interpreter services

Interpreter services are available for non-English speaking patients and families. For assistance, please ask to speak to the house supervisor.

Smoking policy

Smoking and tobacco use are not permitted anywhere on the hospital grounds, including outdoor areas and parking lots. Thank you for helping us maintain a healthy environment.

Valuables and personal belongings

We request that you leave all valuables at home. Medical City Green Oaks does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen valuables or personal items. Lockers are available in the front lobby for small personal items.