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7777 Forest Lane
Suite B432
Dallas, TX 75230

About Medical City Children's Hospital Developmental Center

Clinicians at the Medical City Children's Hospital Developmental Center have been caring for children in North Texas for more than 20 years. Caregivers work to evaluate a child's gross motor and fine motor skills along with language and social/emotional development.

We work with primary care providers, other specialty physicians, local early intervention agencies, preschools, schools, home health agencies and therapists to make sure each child receives the treatment to help them reach his or her maximum potential.

For more information, call us at (972) 566-5777.

Why choose our developmental center?

Physicians and nurse practitioners at the Medical City Children's Hospital Developmental Center have advanced training to quickly identify developmental concerns your child might be facing.

The center is conveniently located on the main campus of Medical City Children’s Hospital, which is part of Medical City Dallas. If you have a newborn who needs neonatal care after delivery and is high risk for developmental concerns, our center is on site.

If your child’s development is atypical, our pediatric clinicians will provide recommendations for testing that may help identify the underlying cause and what treatments or therapies are available.


Prematurity is a term used to describe infants born before the 37th week of pregnancy. Infants born prematurely may experience motor, language, cognitive or other developmental delays, sensory losses such as hearing or visual impairment or feeding difficulties.


Autism is a developmental disorder affecting the nervous system. Symptoms vary in range and severity and may include communication challenges, difficulty interacting in social settings, obsessive interests and repetitive behaviors.

Developmental delay

Developmental delay occurs when a child does not reach all of his or her developmental milestones. It can relate to gross or fine motor, language, social or thinking skills.

Speech-language delay

Speech-language delay refers to a child's inability to make sounds articulate or pronounce words using the lungs, vocal cords, mouth, tongue and teeth. This term is often used to describe a language delay.

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is a developmental disorder characterized by an ongoing pattern symptoms, including inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. It's common for children to show these symptoms some of the time, but they often occur at school or when with family and friends.

Learning disorders

Learning disorders can make it difficult for children to read, write or solve simple math equations. They are present when the brain takes in and uses information in an atypical way.